Imagining Home
November 12th & 13th, 2011
At our season-opening concert, we will musically explore the possibility of a home for both soul and body. We are thrilled to present the world premiere of the 2011 NewWorks winning entry, The Echo, by Patrick Murray. Cellist Ben Bolt-Martin will join us in performing John Tavener’s Svyati.
Gala Reception! On Thursday November 3rd, 7:30pm at the Clay & Glass Gallery, we celebrated with our 2011 NewWorks winner, Patrick Murray.
Thank you to the Clay & Glass and Flow Catering for a wonderful evening!

Creating Home
February 25th & 26th 2012
In our second concert, we will focus on living together in vigorous, positive and affirming relationship to one another. This exciting concert will feature Colour of Freedom by Iman Habibi, with Iranian-born vocal soloist, Amir Haghighi.
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We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $154 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country.
Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien. L’an dernier, le Conseil a investi 154 millions de dollars pour mettre de l’art dans la vie des Canadiennes et des Canadien de tout le pays.

Celebrating Home
May 5 & 6, 2012
In this season-ending concert, we honoured nature and our environment by featuring the works of Canadian composers, including R. Murray Schafer and Stephen Chatman, with guest pianist Catherine Robertson.
From Sea to Sea
January 20, 2012
A special joint concert with the Canadian Chamber Choir, featuring Icarus in the Sea by Erik Ross, The Echo by Patrick Murray, and Nocturne by Leonard Enns
As a pre-season kickoff, in July 2011 we welcomed the Harvestehuder Kammerchor from Hamburg, Germany, directed by Claus Bantzer, for a special one-night joint concert.