Although the choir did not have any public concerts due to COVID-19, we were thrilled to be able to connect with you through our “Garage Choir” sessions.
DaCapo met weekly during our normal rehearsal times through much of September and October since rehearsing unmasked indoors was not allowed. For five Wednesday evenings we met to sing on the fifth parking level, twenty singers spread six feet from each other in a huge ellipse. We were essentially outdoors, no walls around us, but had the acoustical support of a hard ceiling above us. Traffic noise still intruded, as did mechanical noises, but this did not deter us. These were special times, weekly moments in which we could enter the experience of relating through the craft we love; singers were eager to return week after week, but we finally stopped at the end of October, accepting the realities of cold temperatures and shorter days.
At our last meeting, 28 October, we recorded a few short pieces; not as “performances”, but rather as a record of our activities, and as a positive statement in the face of our then-current reality.
Click on the images below to visit our YouTube recordings: